9 Things All Coffee Lovers Will Relate To…

  1. Your day doesn’t start until you’ve had coffee… That first mug in the morning means you can face whatever day ahead throws at you.
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2.  Once you smell the coffee, you need the coffee… You could be busily working away but one waft of fresh coffee means you drop everything and head to the nearest kettle.

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3. Whoever heard of too much coffee… 3 a day, 5 a day, espresso, latte or americano. There’s always a reason for more coffee, right?

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4. Not all superheroes wear capes… Coffee makes you feel better. Whatever mood you’re in, whatever problem you’re dealing with, some time out to sit down and relax with a good cup of coffee fixes everything.

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5. Decaf is not proper coffee…  There’s a time and a place for decaf, maybe you don’t want a caffeine fix right before bed, but it will never compare to the real thing.

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6. No coffee shop is too expensive… Costa, Starbucks, Cafe Nero or you little local, when you need that coffee fix you need it now.

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7. Books and coffee are the perfect combination… There is nothing that can beat that quiet time when you sit on the sofa, usually covered with a throw, with your favourite book and a huge mug of coffee. Need a coffee and book fix? We’ve got you covered.

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8. It always tastes better out of your favourite mug… We all have one in the cupboard, that special mug that we always grab when we want to chill with a coffee. Not got one, we’ve got a few perfect options for book lovers

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9. Coffee counts as breakfast… Running late or lying in, a mug of coffee or two is always a good way to start your day.

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The Best Tea In The World

We’re huge tea lovers here at Bookishly. (We are British after all!) Tea and our unfaltering love for literature was very much the inspiration behind the Tea & Vintage Book Club.

But just where in the world can you get the best cup of tea?  A big question with so many answers and they’re all right! Take a look this list, what do you think?


You will never be short of tea when visiting Morocco, it’s ever-present.  Moroccan tea is prepared with an infusion of herbs, such as mint, contains plenty of sugar and poured in a very specific way; its strong and sweet.  Sometimes they add Chinese gunpowder tea, don’t worry it’s not actual gunpowder, the leaves are hand-rolled into tiny pellets resembling gunpowder. In the winter you’ll find lemon verbena tea.

Tea is always served with food and a tea ceremony is traditional to close any meal of the day.


One of the top 5 producers of Ceylon tea and the original namesake. Ceylon is considered the best tea in the world, extremely popular and comes as a black tea, a green tea and a white tea.  Sri Lankans drink their black tea, very strong with milk and sugar. If you’re looking for beautiful surroundings to sit and enjoy a brew, Sri Lanka is for you.

Like many other countries sharing a pot of tea with friends and family is the perfect way to wind down at the end of the day.


Is the second largest producer of tea after China.  In India they prepare tea very differently. Typically, although drunk with milk and sugar, the leaves are not steeped separately but boiled along with additions and then boiled again after adding in the milk and sugar.  The most special tea is boiled solely in milk.

Most famous for masala chai; a combination of black tea with milk, sugar, ginger and cardamom.  A wonderful combination for Autumn & Winter.


Tea culture in China is by far the world’s oldest, boasting mesmerising tea ceremonies, luxurious tea houses.  If you want to have tea and chat head to Sichuan Province renowned for venues where you can gossip, play mah-jong or enjoy light entertainment. If China doesn’t have what you’re looking for when it comes to tea, it’s probably not worth the bother.


Another place with utterly beautiful tea ceremonies.  You haven’t experienced the ultimate tea culture until you’ve taken part in a Japanese tea ceremony.  Usually performed by a lady in a kimono, this time-honoured and traditional ritual involves green tea powder or matcha.  Japan has the most delicious tea, especially blended with jasmine or roasted rice. Their traditional tea houses are small exquisitely designed and built ‘huts’, set in immaculate traditional gardens.  This sounds like the ultimate place to take tea.


There is no better place to have afternoon tea.  The Duchess of Bedford started the tradition of 4 o’clock afternoon tea.  This much loved ‘institution’ still retains an element of posh, especially if you’re lucky enough to dine in one of the UK’s top hotels.  You’ll find yourself with a menu of delicious teas to choose from, not mention scones and sandwiches. What we lack in ceremony we make up for in emotional attachment.

Don’t confuse this with high tea, totally different a light evening meal, ordering this can lead to disappointment if you’re hoping for scones and sandwiches – how very British.


Real Turkish tea is delicious, it’s strong and dark.  It’s not the apple tea served to tourists (does not contain apple or tea).  The tea is brewed in a special pot, boiling hot without milk. Served in a small glass along with biscuits.


Third largest tea producer in the world.  Kenyan tea is a bright copper colour, sounds lively! Synonymous with the brand Brooke Bond.  You can now go on plantation tours, picking Assam leaves with the locals. The Kenyans describe their tea much like France would describe wine; full bodied.


Not the first place I would think of if asked ‘if you could pick a country to have tea, where would that be?’ The Russians love drinking tea and this simple ritual for making tea makes me think of wintry afternoons under blanket with tea on tap, literally.  Using a samovar, a rather lovely looking brass tea kettle (much like a hot water urn), they make a brew using a tea concentrate, zavarka. Zavarka is strong and made from loose leaf, diluted with kipyatok (boiling water). Fill a quarter cup with the concentrate and top up with water.

Where would you add to the list?

7 Favourite Roald Dahl Quotes

13th September marks 102 years since the birth of one of our all time favourite authors, Roald Dahl. To celebrate the life and works of this wonderful writer, we wanted to share with you seven of his most ‘splendiferous’ quotes that never fail to make us smile.

“And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it. “ The Minpins.

“A person who has good thoughts cannot ever be ugly. You can have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth and a double chin and stick-out teeth, but if you have good thoughts they will shine out of you face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.“

“It’s impossible to make your eyes twinkly if you aren’t feeling twinkly yourself.” Danny, the Champion of the World.

“All you do is to look at a page in this book because that’s where we always will be. No book ever ends when it’s full of your friends.” The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me.

“Never do anything by halves if you want to get away with it. Be outrageous. Go the whole hog.” Matilda.

“A little nonsense now and then, is relished by the wisest men.” Charlie & The Great Glass Elevator.

“It doesn’t matter who you are or what you look like, so long as somebody loves you.” The Witches.

Do you have a favourite Roald Dahl quote?

Literary Mugs – The Perfect Addition To Your Book Club Subscription

If you’ve popped over from our subscription website (www.teaandbookclub.com) , you’ll know all about The Bookishly Book Clubs – a monthly subscription featuring a vintage book or new and a packet of delicious tea or coffee.

We’re here to tell you about our literary mugs, the perfect addition to your subscription that you can purchase over on our main website, along with a host of other literary goodies.

Each mug features a different bookish quote that’s sure to sum up at least one part of a book lover’s personality. Which one suits you best? We’d love to know your favourite!

  1. “Just one more chapter…” It’s 2.30AM and you’ve got to be up at 7 but the urge to keep on reading is just too hard to resist.

Just one more chapter mug insta


2. “Home is where there’s a stack of books by the bed.” Erm, home is where there’s a stack of books everywhere…

Stack Of Books 1


3. “A book a day keeps reality away.” There’s nothing better than escaping the real world for a while by diving into somebody else’s.

Book A Day


4. “Between the pages of a book is a lovely place to be.” Erm, between the pages of a book is the best place to be.

Between The Pages

Love our mugs? Get yours here! 🙂



Our Favourite Vintage Book Covers This Month

Each month, we sort through thousands of vintage books for our subscriptions. One of our favourite parts of the entire process is looking at their beautiful, weird and wonderful book covers. Here are a few favourites from the last month! 

  1. The Saint Meets The Tiger – Leslie Charteris

Book 1

2. Some Tales Of Mystery & Imagination – Poe

Book 3

3. The Great Short Stories Of De Maupassant

Book 5

4. Roots – Arnold Wesker

Book 6

5. Sense & Sensibility – Jane Austen

Book 7

6. Georgian London – John Summerson

Book 8

Our Five New Favourite Places To Get Coffee In London

We’ve always had a never-ending love for coffee and reading. In fact, the combination of the two together was very much the inspiration behind our Coffee & Vintage Book Club. A rainy afternoon spent in your favourite coffee shop with a good book… Sounds like our idea of perfection.

But where to go? We know that you love coffee just as much as we do and discovering new places to trial as many kinds as possible to find your perfect cup is very important. (What’s a good book if the coffee is rubbish?) We’ve rounded up a couple of our latest coffee shop finds in London. Whether you’re a local or just visiting, make sure you take the time to pop in and get your caffeine fix.


Where? 51 Margaret Street, London, W1W 8SG or 9a Cullum Street, London, EC3M 7JJ

Not only do they have their own range of in-house espressos that change seasonally, you can also grab yourself something from the bakery selection. A stylish place to refuel.


Where? 27a Foley Street, London, W1W 6DY

While there are 3 locations you can go to for a coffee at The Attendant in London, this one located in the heart of Fitzrovia, near Oxford Street has to be our favourite. Converted from a former underground Victorian toilet block into one of London’s top speciality coffee and brunch cafes. Although incredibly small we still love how unique this location is!


Where? 66 Great Titchfield St, London, W1W 7QJ or 15 Eastcastle St, London, W1T 3AY

At this Australian boutique, you’ll be super impressed with the knowledge these baristas (who reportedly have over 3 years training) have. Known for their experimentation and whip up original combinations of coffee. You can also attend one of their classes where you can learn latte art with their lead barista.


Where? 7 Upper St Martin’s Lane, London, WC2H 9DL

We can’t decide whether this place is a coffee shop or our dream living room? It’s not just their interiors which is worth an Instagram photo but their coffee art is just as dreamy.


Where? 49 Old Street, London, EC1V 9HX or 101 Back Church Lane, London, E1 1LU

Why go to two different places when you can get your morning coffee and bike repair done all in the same place?

We’re always on the hunt for more coffee goodness… Have a favourite place? Be sure to let us know! It would make us really, really happy.

9 Gifting Occasions For The Bookishly Book Clubs

Subscriptions are the gift that keeps on giving, with contents ever changing. A little parcel of happy post every month, helping balance out the envelopes with bills in! The Bookishly Book Clubs are perfect for a number of gifting occasions, we’ve made a list of our favourites.


Perfect for birthday bookworms! With three subscriptions on offer, there’s something to suit every type of reader.

Thank yous

For someone who’s been a big help and has spent their time assisting you. Our book clubs give the gift of that all important ‘me time’.


A first wedding anniversary gift should be paper based. Need we say more? A paperback book subscription is near enough perfect!


After all that hard-work it’s definitely time to take a break with a good book (that isn’t for cramming), and what better way to say well done?!

Get Well 

Rest and recuperation are the best ways to get better; pjs – check, cuppa and a great book – check, cosy blanket – check. 

Mother’s Day & Father’s Day 

Sometimes parents are super hard to buy for, they’ve usually got everything! Get in their good books with a gift that keeps on giving. 


Of course we couldn’t miss out the biggest gifting day of the year!  Spreading it out over several months, it’s almost as if Christmas were every month, well nearly.

Need one? Check out all of our current subscriptions right here.




Seven Things ALL Book Lovers Can Relate To.

We come across a lot of book related memes online that as readers make us shout one or all of the following at our phone screens : ‘ME’  ‘LIFE‘ ‘SAME’. The good news? We’ve compiled a list of our favourites. Here are seven scenarios that all book lovers can relate to. Let us know if you have any more!

Love books? Check out The Bookishly Book Clubs to get your monthly book fix.

1. When the book you’re reading needs to pick up the pace!

Source: Pinterest

2. That all too familiar panic!

Book Problems
Source : Twitter

3. The need to play it cool infront of the Muggles.


4. Forgetting that you need to be a functional human being the next day.

Source : Pinterest

5. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt.

Source : Bookbub

6. Too many books? How about not enough bookshelf?

Source : Tumblr

7. When you just can’t help yourself.

Source: Pinterest

10 Bookishly Gifts Perfect For Book Lovers

As a member of one of our book clubs, we think it’s fair to assume that you’re a fellow bookworm (and probably a big fan of tea or coffee too!) Alongside our book subscriptions we sell a whole array of literary gifts, many of which we’re sure you’ll love. We wanted to share a few of our favourites with you! Make sure to head over to our website and take a closer look if any of them catch your eye. We’d love to know what you think.

  1. CS Lewis ‘Cup Of Tea’ Framed Book Page Print : £19.95


2. Book Lover ‘Just One More Chapter’ Literary Mug : £12.50

Mug Insta

3. The Bookishly Crate – Wuthering Heights : £35.00

WH Later

4. Bookish Pencils – Pack Of Four : £5.95


5. Vintage James Bond Mini Library Book Bundle : £25.00

James Bond Cropped

6. Monochrome ‘I Read Past My Bedtime’ Children’s Print : Fr. £10.00


7. Pack Of Three Classic Books – The Bookishly Editions : £18.00


8. Little Women ‘Too Fond Of Books’ Book Page Print : £19.95


9. Book Lover ‘A Book A Day Keeps Reality Away’ Literary Mug : £12.50


10. Bookish ‘I Am A Book Dragon’ Bookmark : £1.75



The Bookishly Book Clubs – Your Photos.

The best thing about our book clubs are its members – you guys. Book lovers from all over the globe who, every month, take the time to sit down with a good book and a delicious cuppa! It’s the simple things in life. We love nothing more than seeing the photographs you share of your subscriptions over on Instagram. Here are a few of our favourites.

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We’re always wanting to see more of your photos, make sure you tag us @bookishlyuk so we can see you. Make sure to check out all the lovely members who took the time to share their photos with us. After all, you’ve already got one thing in common… books!